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I can't seem to get up the fourth floor

You have to stretch while standing on a platform (you cannot stretch in the air), and then touch spikes while falling. It's a little bit tricky but you'll get used to it over the course of the game :)

Unless it's not the right floor? This is the one on which playtesters would always spend a little bit more time :) 

Also if you are playing on the phone w/ a controller you are going to have a bad time with this unfortunately (though it is still possible to clear the game)


Really nice game, the difficulty is perfect and the mechanic is really interesting and nicely polished! The art is cute as well!

Thank you so much for playing :)  I'm not gonna lie, I feel a little bit vindicated now ^.^ Stay tuned for more games in the future!

had to give up just after the half way point because its too difficult and i was sick of dying .... but its a good game !

Nice :) Thank you for playing!

please make html5 build


Build added! Thank you for your feedback. I have not realised everyone actually did that since web games don't show on the client app (retroactively, I guess that makes sense).

fuck yeah thank u! much more accessible to play (also you can play it on your mobile phone now too!)